About Us

  • The focus of a student is always on scoring percentage of marks, but a competitor is one who works consistently to delve deep into concepts and their wide range of applications.
  • A student is little worried about time management, but a competitor always strives for effective time management. Consistency in studies is one of the major factors that essentially differentiates between a student and a competitor.
  • A student can’t go beyond guessed question, but a competitor always goes deep and frames questions more empirically based on understanding and reasoning.

Let's Have A Look

When the time of examinations draws nearer, student gear up their studies and preparation to the culmination, keeping on mind the scope of the examination but the day the examination is over, there study is almost reduced to zero. They don’t maintain any studies until the result comes out and new academic session resumes. On the contrary, a competitor never quits studies. Consistency does matter. A competitor studies for fixed hours.

To help every student match new heights of competitions, etc takes care of the following five ethics:

  • 1. Concepts: -Learning is as nature a process as leaves coming to the trees. We afford to create an atmosphere inside the classroom. Where learning flourishes naturally. Students get adequate exposure to new concepts and develop a scientific bent of mind.

The fact is that every child is blessed with some degree of cognition that lies deep in human consciousness. all we need to do is activate the cognitive faculties to new levels of consciousness that truly enables to observe, think and feel. This observation leads to further investigation. This is how mind functions. It’s the whole process of thinking, reasoning and perceiving. Otherwise there is no mind. So long as mind is not thinking consciously thinking, there is no learning.

We, at etc work collectively to groom the unleashing young minds by following different means of learning in a practicably possible natural environment.


Learning as a matter of fact is as natural a process as leaves coming to the trees. Every mind is an unusually vast stream of consciousness. It is only how the mind is exposed to the surroundings and groomed to see, think and feel and react. When mind learns to observe things without being prejudiced by any preconceived notion, it causes to rouse consciousness to new heights of self realization from where emerges creativity. A student only affords to learn the things which are taught to him/her in the formal set up of classroom but a creative mind goes far beyond the scope of classroom teaching and learning.


The environment in which a child is born and brought up does play a key role in shaping the mind. Mind is to be groomed, trained and taught each time by further enhancing its curiosity that grows naturally towards new objects ideas and creations in the immediate surroundings. Learning is very natural process that begins at an early stage of life. So it is very essential to take proper care of a child in an environment that ensures freedom of doing things ,observing and learning passionately . It is care that transforms the life of a child.


As we all know that confidence is the key to every success. Now, the question is where does confidence come from? When the mind is conceptually clear and curious to experiment and explore things beyond the scope of prescribed syllabus, and when the mind is without fear and is encouraged to reason and think independently, the level of confidence grows. A confident mind is a more productive one. There are also many external factors like proper care, guidelines and motivation strengthening the mind and enriching its confidences.


Since we are living in an advanced age of technology and children are more inclined to the wonder world of technology, it is always better to equip them with new technology and facilitate the process of learning. We are privileged that we, at etc are well versed with the latest technology that includes smart classes, power point presentation lab facilities, mind mapping, graphical presentation of performance beyond paper manifestation.